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Information about green tea that you should know

Green tea is a popular beverage all over the world due to its many health benefits. It is extracted from the leaves of the tea plant by using unfermented leaves to make green tea. Green tea contains 30-40 percent of polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants,

Can coffee really help you lose weight?

Many people may have doubts whether coffee can really help with weight loss. Drinking coffee can help with weight loss because coffee is low in calories and is rich in caffeine and various antioxidants that can help stimulate the metabolism system,including the carbohydrate metabolism system,

Revealing the cause of “bone cancer”

One of the cancers found to be caused by cancer spreading from other organs is bone cancer. Statistics reveal other causes and factors that can be avoided! Bone cancer is a silent killer that is as dangerous and serious as other cancers. This is because