Cystitis Don’t ignore it if you have risky behaviors

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Cystitis Don’t ignore it if you have risky behaviors

Cystitis is caused by a bacterial infection in the urinary tract. It occurs more often in women than men because the urethra is short and close to the vagina and anus, allowing germs to easily enter the bladder. In addition, certain behaviors can increase the risk of cystitis, such as holding urine and sexually transmitted infections.

  • Holding urine allows germs in the urine to grow.
  • Cleaning the anus before cleaning the genitals
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection
  • Using antibiotics to clean the vagina will kill the good bacteria that protects against germs, leading to a bacterial infection.
  • Taking immunosuppressive drugs
  • The use of medical devices to insert into the urethra, such as inserting a urinary catheter or inserting a urethral camera, etc.

What are the symptoms of cystitis?

  • Frequent dribbling of urine, even waking up to urinate at night
  • Fatigue, high or low fever
  • Lower abdominal pain , painful urination, cloudy color, foul odor 
  • In some patients, there may be blood in the urine.
  • There is pain or tingling at the tip of the urethra after urination.
  • If it occurs in young children, bed-wetting, fever, vomiting, and loss of appetite may occur. 

Bacteria that cause cystitis

  • Escherichia coli or E.coli 
  • Enterobacter
  • Pseudomonas
  • Klebsiella 
  • These bacteria are usually found around the anus and can enter the body through behaviors such as using tampons, improper cleaning after defecation, and having sex.
  • Risk factors for cystitis
  • I drink little water every day and like to hold my urine for a long time.
  • Menopausal women
  • Elderly males aged 50 years and over who have prostate cancer
  • People with underlying diseases such as diabetes, kidney stones, immune deficiency, etc. 
  • Women who douch frequently
  • Patients with a history of frequent urinary tract infections

Diagnosis of urinary tract disease 

The doctor will ask about the patient’s history and perform a physical examination, along with a urine culture to see if there are red ทางเข้า ufabet and white blood cells mixed in with the urine, and what the color and concentration of the urine are. In addition, if the patient has a history of frequent bladder disease, the doctor may consider an ultrasound or bladder endoscopy to see if there are any abnormalities.

Treatment of cystitis

  • Antibiotics are given for about 3-5 days, but if the symptoms are severe, the duration of antibiotics should be increased to about 7-10 days.
  • Taking medicine that reduces cramps in the lower abdomen can help relieve pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Doctors will advise patients to drink about 8-10 glasses of water per day to flush out the bacteria with their urine.