Numbness in fingertips What kind of numbness is a risk factor for disease?

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Numbness in fingertips What kind of numbness is a risk factor for disease?

Numbness in fingertips or a feeling of numbness in the fingertips or toes as if someone is poking them with a needle may be a problem that many people are experiencing, especially those who have to use their hands and arms to work frequently. In some cases, it may only occur when sitting or lying down until they accidentally step on their arm.

However, in some cases, it may occur frequently to the point where people start to worry that they may have a disease. Of course, these symptoms may be signs of diseases related to the nervous system that controls muscle function. Each symptom has a different cause. So let’s see what symptoms we have that can tell us about our disease so that we can get the right treatment.

What causes numbness?

Numbness is a common symptom among working-age people. Sometimes it may occur on one side or both sides. Which is caused by many reasons as follows:

  • Sensory nerve dysfunction in the fingers, hands, or feet can result from compression, trauma, or damage.
  • Sitting or standing in the same position for a long time
  • The body lacks certain vitamins, such as vitamins B1, B6, and B12.

The causes of numbness in the fingers can divide into:

  • Numbness in the index finger, middle finger, and thumb is cause by compression of the nerves in the wrist relate to the cervical vertebrae pressing on the nerves.
  • Numbness in the hands and fingers, along with a burning pain in the bones and joints, is cause by higher than normal uric acid in the body, or gout.
  • Numbness in the little finger caused by activities. That require bending and tensing the elbow for a long time, such as holding a telephone cord.
  • Tea on the tips of the fingers and toes is cause by high sugar levels. Which damages the peripheral nerves that control the function of the hands and feet.

What kind of numbness is dangerous when it comes to fingertips?

The sensation of an electric shock at the tip of your finger or toe. Can caused by many of the causes mentioned above. However, if it happens frequently and the symptoms are not just at the tip of your finger, but the numbness extends from your wrist up to your elbow, it could be a dangerous sign indicating a pinched nerve in the collarbone area. If this happens, you should see a doctor immediately.

5 diseases associated with numbness in the fingertips

  • Peripheral Neuropathy Nerves normally act as a connection between the brain and various organs. If there is a problem with the nerves, it will cause the organs in that area to function abnormally, causing numbness in the hands and feet or the inability to control the muscles in that area.
  • Raynaud ‘s disease is cause by the rapid constriction of the small arteries in the fingers, preventing blood from reaching the fingertips.
  • De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis is an inflammation of the tendon sheath and tendons on the thumb side of the wrist, causing compression of the tendons.
  • Diabetes. People with diabetes may experience nerve damage in their hands and feet, leading to numbness in the fingers or toes.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a disease ยูฟ่าเบท in which there is compression of a nerve in the wrist area, where thickened fibrosis presses on the nerve, causing a narrowing of the space for the tendons to pass through when bending or straightening the fingers. This results in pain and numbness in the fingers. Because the nerves compress.

Treatment of numbness in fingertips

  • Try to move your fingers frequently to avoid nerve compression or nerve scarring.
  • Avoid doing activities or using your hands, arms, or feet too heavily, such as lifting heavy objects, as this may cause the pain to worsen.
  • Take medication to reduce inflammation of the nerves.
  • Steroid injection: This method is use in cases. here patients have not received effective medication.
  • Surgery is use in cases of pinche nerves or nerve damage.